; **** VDU Task (ALPHA II) ****
base	equ	4000h
suspend equ	0109h	; Block Task voluntarily
vdu	equ	010fh	; A -> Screen
io	equ	0130h	; Screenhandler
user	equ	0154h	; KYBD User Exit Routine
; Z80 OP Codes--
ldir	equ	0b0edh
djnz	equ	00010h
; Inter-Task Communication--
ctl	equ	01d0h	; System Control Block
hstate	equ	ctl
rxrecs	equ	ctl+1	; Rx Records Received count
sxrecs	equ	ctl+7	; Tx Records Sent count
area	equ	ctl+8	; -> data storage area
lrecl	equ	ctl+10	; = record length (bytes)
mstate	equ	ctl+12
txrecs	equ	ctl+13	; Tx Records Ready count
tstate	equ	ctl+18	; B3: Screenhandler in use
name	equ	ctl+19	; -> A/C Name & Address save area
xstate	equ	ctl+23	; B0: Long Fields (Taskm)
; ASCII codes--
nul	equ	00h
eot	equ	04h
cr	equ	0dh
; Display effects--
s	equ	80h	; B7
left	equ	080h	; Centre Left
right	equ	0c0h	; Centre Right
cls	equ	0e0h	; Clear Screen
eos	equ	0c0h	; Clear to end of screen
eol	equ	0a0h	; Clear to end of line
cursor	equ	10h	; Cursor On
beep	equ	08h
blink	equ	04h
rev	equ	02h	; Reverse Screen
hi	equ	01h	; Highlight
time	equ	7fh	; ASCII Code requesting time string
foot	equ	24	; Last row for line displays
line0	equ	10	; screen row of 1st Order Line
	org	base
	lhld	area !shld rxptr !shld txptr !shld kptr
	xra	a !sta rxpos !sta txpos !sta sxpos !sta iflag
wait	call	suspend !call rx !call tx !call sx !call idle !jnz wait
	lda	mstate !ora a !jm mdone	; M18 completed
	lda	hstate !ora a !jm hdone	; HX20 completed
	jmp	wait
mdone	ani	20h !lhld name !lxi b,256*2+1 !cnz cio ; reason if refused
	lda	mstate !ani 04h !rnz	; despooled order
hwait	call	suspend !call rx !call sx !call idle !jnz hwait
	lda	hstate !ora a !jp hwait
hdone	ani	20h !rz !lxi h,dsrf !jmp io
idle	lxi	h,iflag !mov a,m !mvi m,0 !ora a !ret
rx	lxi	h,rxrecs !lda rxpos !cmp m !rz
	inr	a !sta rxpos !sta iflag !dcr a !jnz h1 ; not 1st line
	sta	krecs !sta kpos !lxi h,uexit !shld user+1 ; setup KYBD Exit Rtn
; Setup & display top line--
	lhld	rxptr !lxi d,form0+3 !lxi b,2 !dw ldir	; S/W version
	lxi	d,form0+12 !lxi b,5 !dw ldir	; Access Code
	lxi	d,form0+24 !lxi b,8 !dw ldir	; Customer Reference
	lxi	h,form0 !call io
; Update display of lines received--
h1	lhld	rxptr !mov a,m !cpi eot !lxi h,ttext !jz io ; trailer
	lda	rxpos !dcr a !lxi d,rcount+3 !call ascii3
	lxi	h,rcount !call io
; Advance Record Pointer--
	lhld	rxptr !xchg !lhld lrecl !dad d !shld rxptr !jmp rx
tx	lxi	h,txrecs !lda txpos !cmp m !rz
	inr	a !sta txpos !sta iflag !dcr a !jnz m1	; not 1st line
	lxi	h,form1 !call cio
	lhld	name !lda xstate !ani 01h !jz $+5 !inx h !inx h ; Long Fields
	lxi	b,2*256+1 !call cio	; Phone No
	lxi	b,400h+left !call addr	; Invoice to
	lxi	b,400h+right !call addr	; Deliver to
	mvi	a,line0+1 !sta mtext !jmp m2 ; Row no, 1st line
m1	lhld	txptr !mov a,m !cpi eot !jz m3 ; Trailer
	lda	txpos !dcr a !lxi d,tcount+3 !call ascii3
	lxi	h,tcount !call io	; Lines Ready
	lda	txpos !dcr a !lxi d,mtext+3 !call ascii3; Line No
	lhld	txptr !inx d !lxi b,4 !dw ldir ; PIP Code
	mvi	a,'-' !stax d !inx d !lxi b,4 !dw ldir
	lda	mtext+15 !cpi 'A' !cp mod26
	lxi	d,mtext+18 !call zmove !inx d !lxi b,3 !dw ldir ; Qty, Flags
	mov	a,m !inx h !push psw !inx d !call zmove ; TOS Qty
	inx	d !pop psw !stax d !inx d ; Outcome flag
	inx	d !inx d !lxi b,44 !dw ldir ; Description
; Set High Intensity if not full delivery--
	mvi	c,eol !cpi ' ' !jz $+5 !mvi c,eol+hi
	mov	a,c !sta mtext+2
	lxi	h,mtext !call cio
; Update cursor position if req'd--
	lda	mtext+2 !ani hi !jz m2 ; don't update
	lda	mtext !cpi foot !jz m2 ; don't update
	inr	a !sta mtext
; Advance Record Pointer--
m2	lhld	txptr !xchg !lhld lrecl !dad d !shld txptr !jmp tx
; Trailer--
m3	lda	txrecs !dcr a !sta krecs
	inx	h !lxi d,form2+1 !lxi b,30 !dw ldir
	lda	mtext !mov b,a !mvi c,1 !lxi h,form2 !call cio
	lxi	h,tall !jmp io
sx	lxi	h,sxpos !lda sxrecs !cmp m !rz !mov m,a
	cpi	1 !jz s2 !lxi h,rxrecs !cmp m !lxi h,sall !jz s1 ; trailer
s2	sui	1 !lxi h,s0 !jc s1
	lxi	d,scount+3 !call ascii3 !lxi h,scount
s1	mvi	a,1 !sta iflag !call io
	lxi	h,hstate !dw 04ecbh ; BIT 1,(HL)
	lxi	h,form3 !cnz io !jmp sx ; Spooled
mod26	push	h !lxi h,mtext+10 !lxi d,mtext+11 !lxi b,5 !dw 0b8edh ; LDDR
	pop	h !ret
; ***************** KYBD User Exit Rouitne *********************
uexit	cpi	26 !jz i6	; Setup next TOS Item
	cpi	25 !jz q1	; Setup Qty or A/C Number
	ret		; Z=0
; Search order for next TOS item--
i6	lxi	h,krecs !lda kpos !cmp m !jz i7 ; no more
	inr	a !sta kpos
	lhld	kptr !xchg !lhld lrecl !dad d !shld kptr; bump pointer
	dcr	a !jz i6	; skip header
	lxi	h,16 !dad d !mov a,m !cpi ' ' !jz i6 ; no TOS this line
	xchg	!lxi d,pip !lxi b,8 !dw ldir ; PIP/Product Code
	lda	pip+7 !cpi 'A' !cm mod10
	xchg	!mvi m,cr !inx h !mvi m,nul !xchg
	lxi	d,9 !dad d !lxi d,qty !lxi b,5 !dw ldir ; setup Qty TOS
	lxi	h,pip !xra a !ret	; Z=1
; End of data, so reset to beginning & beep--
i7	lhld	area !shld kptr !lxi h,kpos !xra a !mov m,a !ret ; Z=1
; Setup A/C No or Qty TOS--
q1	lda	kpos !ora a !jz q2	; setup A/C Number
	lxi	h,qty-1
q3	inx	h !mov a,m !cpi ' ' !jz q3 !xra a !ret ; skip blanks, Z=1
q2	lxi	h,krecs !mov a,m !ora a !rz ; reject keystroke
	lxi	d,22 !lda xstate !ani 01h !jz $+5 !inx d !inx d ; Long Fields
	lhld	name !dad d !lxi d,ac !lxi b,6 !dw ldir ; A/C No
	lxi	h,ac-1 !jmp q3
mod10	stax	d !dcx d !lda pip+6 !stax d !dcx d !lda pip+5 !stax d !dcx d
	lda	xstate !ani 01h !jz mo1	; B0: Long Fields
	lda	pip+4 !stax d !dcx d
mo1	mvi	a,'.' !stax d !lxi d,pip+9 !ret
ac	db	'nnnnnx',cr,nul
qty	db	'nnnnn',cr,nul
pip	db	'nnnn.nnnn',cr,nul
; A -> (DE) 3 ASCII characters--
ascii3	push	h !mvi h,' '	; padding character
	lxi	b,100 !call digit
	lxi	b,10  !call digit
	ori	'0' !stax d !inx d
	pop	h !ret
; divide A by 10, convert to ASCII, etc--
digit	inr	b !sub c !jnc digit
	add	c !mov l,a	; save remainder in L
	mov	a,h !dcr b !jz di1 !mvi h,'0'
	mov	a,b !ori '0'	; convert to ASCII
di1	stax	d !inx d	; store in target
	mov	a,l !ret	; remainder -> A
zmove	xchg	!lxi b,500h+' '	; move 5 bytes, spacefill zeros
zm1	mov	m,c !ldax d !inx d
	cpi	'0' !jz $+6 !mov m,a !mvi c,'0' !inx h !dw djnz+(zm1-$-2)*256
	xchg	!ret
addr	mov	a,m !ora a !jnz cio !inx h !ret
cio	lda	tstate !ani 08h !rnz !jmp io ; bypass if screenhandler busy
kpos	db	0
krecs	db	0
form0	db	1,1,eol,'nn A/Codeaaaaa C/Ref xxxxxxxx',s
	db	1,41,'Lines Received:     Ready:     Sent:',nul
form1	db	2,1,eos,s
	db	3,1,s+rev,s+80,' ',s
	db	line0,1,s+rev,'     PIP-Code    Qty    ',s
	db	line0,28,'n/a',s
	db	line0,34,s+rev,' Description',s+13,' ',time,s
	db	3,left,s+rev,'INVOICE TO',s
	db	3,right,s+rev,'DELIVER TO',nul
form2	db	eol+hi,'.... .... .... .... .... .... .'
form3	db	1,61,'(Spooled)',nul
dsrf	db	1,28,s+hi+blink,'   Cutoff   ',nul
rcount	db	1,56,s+hi,0,0,0,nul
tcount	db	1,67,s+hi,0,0,0,nul
scount	db	1,77,s+hi,0,0,0,nul
ttext	db	1,47,'Ordered: ',nul
tall	db	1,67,s+hi,'all',nul
sall	db	1,77,s+hi,'all',nul
s0	db	1,77,'   ',nul
mtext	db	0,1,eol,'nnn pppp-pppp  qqqqq fff ttttt f  '
	ds	50
rxptr	ds	2
txptr	ds	2
kptr	ds	2
rxpos	ds	1
txpos	ds	1
sxpos	ds	1
iflag	ds	1
	end	base

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